One Woman's Search for Not A Gotdamn Thing Across All the Countries She's Able to Take Her Broke Ass


internet cafe, seminyak, bali

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left-hand shift key doesn't work.

bali at 8 a.m. is a flurry of scooters and cars, and a pedestrian's nightmare. no crosswalks, no lights, no stop signs, anywhere.

somehow, i was able to traverse the street twice, with no disasters, but i don't know how long my luck'll last.

am completely fucked four ways 'til friday. a mai thai and two bali delights (or something similarly named).

woke up at 3:30 a.m. with a raging headache and nausea. head spinning even when eyes were closed. ran to bathroom, puked.

4 a.m.: local roosters start crowing, and in my state (or maybe just because i'm a city girl at heart), i lay there for several moments trying to tell whether it was actually roosters or perhaps howling dogs.

ok, i know they're not actually similar sounds.

no more drinking for entirety of trip. or cigarettes. none.


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