One Woman's Search for Not A Gotdamn Thing Across All the Countries She's Able to Take Her Broke Ass


New Camera!!!

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My PowerShot just officially bit the dust. Tried to take a picture of my first homegrown tomato, and noticed that it was just. not. focusing. I guess five years, three international trips, and a plethora of mini-milestones is good enough.

My next camera? One I bought in a whirlwind, 15-minutes-before-closing trip to Best Buy?

Imagine this scenario: a couple of friends (girls mostly) want to take a picture of themselves. The one with the longer arms turns the camera around, estimating where to point and shoot. Click, and oh, drats. One of you sucks her teeth. You've taken a photo of the top of your heads, or cut someone out.

Or say you're alone and sitting on the steps of the Bob Marley Museum, with only seconds before someone comes to reprimand you for taking a photograph of yourself...sitting on the steps of the Bob Marley Museum. You don't have time to take test-shot after test-shot when you can't get a good angle on the stairs and the inner sanctum.

Hypothetical, of course.

Anyway, despite being senselessly and appallingly brand loyal, I've purchased a Samsung TL205, a camera whose primary feature is that it has a dual-screen, meaning the awkward self-portrait will be ELIMINATED!

Now, the next time I'm sitting alone on a cliff in Jamaica, a ------ hanging from my mouth, I don't have to take shot after shot to get the viridian water rocking below me.

Hypothetically speaking.


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